We offer a complete masonry service which includes supply, fix and conservation of all types of stone.
We sympathetically match masonry types and styles to be the most accurate and appropriate possible whilst employing traditional fixing techniques and methods. Stone is sourced from trusted suppliers and samples offered for approval prior to work commencing.
Mortars, be they for rebuild, re-pointing or masonry repair, are carefully matched for colour and texture and are specific to each project. Using either lime putty or hydraulic lime, blended with specialist sands and stone dusts, the mortars produced are sympathetic to the surrounding masonry and are the most appropriate and suitable possible.
Services include:
Masonry Replacement – Supply and fix of bespoke masonry.
Masonry Cleaning – Chemical poulticing, abrasive, low pressure steam and nebular cleaning.
Masonry Conservation – Mortar repair and re-pointing
Structural Masonry Repair – Cyntec anchors and localised stainless steel pinning.
Masonry Decoration – Supply and apply of lime-washes, shelter coats, mineral based paints and other decorative finishes to renders, plasters, masonry and other substrates.